Fever Detection Camera FLC1

Contactless temperature measurement

Highly Accurate
DERMALOG's Fever Detection Camera provides high measuring accuracy within a distance of up to 2 meters.
Extremely Fast
As a real-time screening system, the temperature camera does not cause any operational delays.
Easy to Implement
Thanks to its compact dimensions, the DERMALOG Fever Detection Camera integrates into any application.

Increasing Safety with Biometric Fever Screening

When it comes to a viral infection, fever is one of the most frequent symptoms. DERMALOG has developed a thermal camera, which measures body temperature with outstanding accuracy and speed to make a significant contribution to the containment of pandemics.

DERMALOG's fever detection system measures body temperature by scanning people's faces using infrared and thermal sensor technology. The DERMALOG camera can simultaneously check up to 5 people for fever. If an increased temperature is detected, the system sets off an alarm or even denies access, for example, as part of an automated access control system. As an option, the temperature check includes automated face mask detection. If a person passes the Fever Detection Camera without a mask, the system displays a message informing that a mask is mandatory.

High accuracy, even from a distance of up to 2 meters, is another advantage of the DERMALOG camera. When using a handheld thermometer, the recommended safety distance cannot be maintained, which leads more quickly to infections. In contrast, DERMALOG's automatic Fever Detection Camera does not require any additional operating personnel and, as a result, ensures extra safety.

Technical Features
  • Thermal sensor
  • RGB sensor
  • 3D sensor

Fever detection accuracy
± 0.5 °C
Measuring speed
0.7 - 2.0 s
0.5 - 2.0 m

130 g
120 mm x 37 mm x 23 mm
RoHS compliant, CE and FCC conformity

USB 3.0
.Net/ C/C++, Java, Linux
Application software
DERMALOG Fever Detection

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